Wednesday, August 31, 2011

eid mubarak 2011


first of all, selamat hari raya semua, maaf zahir dan batin..(:

not much story about my first syawal..i just went there, celebrating my raya at the embassy, and made myself busy doing this and that, chatting and taking pictures.
as usual, like what i did since last 3 years, i did post pictures of my family during raya. s0, here's one of the picture of my family raya 2011.. 

 im not in the picture but, satisfied enough to see their happy faces ;D

and here are some of the pictures at the embassy of malaysia and puan siti's house 

 me with iman's(puan siti's lovely daughter) toys..

at the embassy..


with them, sisters and friends! from sendai and other places (:

me, looking at the sky...^^

2011 will be such a memorable year for me.. being far away from family,celebrating raya with friends, a conflict about my own self.. and i realise that we are not kids anymore...time is moving and everybody is growing too! and the thing i learned the most is that being an adult is not easy....but everybody have to face it..yeeehhaaa!!apehal budak ni  d:

as a conclusion, i miss malaysia. and 
malaysia is waaaaaaayyyyyyyy better place to celebrate raya. trust me! (':

Thursday, August 25, 2011

a story about my mummy


Memandangkan saya tidak mengantuk, what if..what if,what if, what if i make an entry for my mummy, tonight too!! ^^ yeehaaaa!!!

this is my mummy, i call her 'mama'....its only me and my sister who call my mummy 'mama' coz my two younger brothers call her 'mummy'...dont ask me why coz i don't know why -.-'

my mummy is very fashionable...always trying this outfit and that,not afraid with colors, always up-to-date, have matching handbags and everything.

i LOVE shopping with mama, coz i love shopping, mama loves shopping too. so, we both love shopping. s0 we can walk together for hours at shopping complex and done our shopping! oyeah!! d:

mama and sis ;D

and mama really understand me.teenagers feeling, style, life and everything. pendek kata, i can trust mama everything including fashion. ;D

the Girls during hari raya 2010 ^^

owh yeah.. and mama is very sportinggg...never ever and ever she complain about being a driver everyday to send me to school, or to just go out hanging with friends.not a single word of complaining!....mama always there. ALWAYS. always there to help me, support me. (':

on the day to send me off to japan (':

and yes. my mummy also very generous like my daddy!! x pernah kedekut to spend money to her little girl...selalu offer 'nak ni ke? nak tu dak?'...being a good child like always, i akan jawab...'takpelah mama, no thank'...hehehe...seee~ nampak tak betapa baiknya i d: #joking

and since my mama own a facebook, she always poke me. ;D

sweet couple ever \(^.^)/

and mama is very friendly too~ she can easily get close with all my besties! ^^v yeahhh~ coz my besties can go to my house even if im not there,far away from home. -.-' #jealous

owh ya, mama is very beautiful, very fair skin...not like me.hitam ikut ayah ;D

hahaha.k lah, that's all.. i love you mamaaa!!!! muahxxxx!!

a story about my daddy


today i want to talk about my daddy

this is my daddy. i call him 'abah'....always make jokes, and jokes and jokes..but,there's a time when he became the most serious person in the world when it involves his job.

ehem. yes. this is my abah d:

a very responsible man, and sgt pemurahhhhhhhh.i can tell you that, coz when im asking for money, he never say NO!

sbb i ni pon anak yg baik, x penah mintak bukan2...cehhh~puji diri sendiri jap d:
setakat mintak baju 2 3 helai, kasut 2 3 pasang...kihkihkih2...tapi xpela kan, benda2 tu kan KEPERLUAN HIDUPPPP ;D

muahahaha.tapi itu x termasuk bila time i kecik la kan. mmg banyak la 'no' nya..dah kata budak kecik, mmg mcm2 bnda pelik yg mintak kan, kdg2 benda x masuk akal pon mintak.
ex : cam adik kecik i nama rem mintak replika kapal time dia kecik. REPLIKA KAPAL OKAYYY! nangis guling2 kat kedai furniture padahal kapal gedabak besar tu HANYALAH HIASAN bukan untuk dijual -.-'

my handsome abah with my lovely mama in PINK. do i have to mention it again? PINKK! d:

kembali kepada cerita, my abah seorang yg sgt pentingkan education, always remind me n siblings ayat begini
'abah xda harta nak diwariskan, tapi abah boleh provide education kat anak2 abah so that anak2 abah dapat hidup senang nanti'
..haaa~ mcm tu lah lebih kurang bunyinya...;D

abah busy with his work. and me. also busy following him everywhere d:

and abah taught me to be independent. anak dia ni suka menangis...hantar pergi sekolah kat seremban, and then nangis nak suruh tukar sekolah...tapi, tapi, tapi, my lovely abah ni buat tak taw ja sampai lah i sendiri rasa happy suka gila x maw balik lalu graduate lah saya dari skolah teknik tuanku jaafar tersebuut..#jasa abah (':

in his formal suit attending formal event at istana with lovely mama

and the thing that i like the most, my abah always trust me.ALWAYS! trust me in making decision, trust me to take care of myself well, trust me when i deny something i didn't do, yeah, even when im at my worst, he did always gave me support, never ever put his trust away from me...and i think that's the most important value that we should have between families. TRUSTING EACH OTHER.

last but not least, i hope abah lead a happy life full with barakah ever after.....i love you abah!!! ^_^

p/s : entry utk incik abah, nanti kita buat entry untuk puan mama pulakk ;D

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

initial strap ^_^


look what i bought when i was in Tokyo last week. ouh yeah, this.

yes, this.

(sorry for the pinky look of my phone..muahahahaa~i just can't help myself)

tapi i xdelah i obsessed sgt kat pink sampai telur pon nak yg macam ni baru i makan -.-'

opss.sorry, out of topic ;D

i just love everything that use our own name to create something like necklace, bangle, key chain,etc... i used to have one,a keychain with my initial 'FIN' which is this

given by my friend on my birthday, but i lost it....huwwaaaaa!!!im soo sorryyyyy~

s0, when im wandering around tokyo ALONE(saje capslock, nak tunjuk kata independent d:) last week, i found this shop selling this kinda cute keychain. s0, i spend about 2 hours just to choose the strap, the color, and of coz the initials! hehe~

look! im going to make it more when im back to malaysia, bcoz here, it is very expensive!


Monday, August 22, 2011


salam!! \(^^)/

look! its the weather forecast for sendai-shi. and its going to be a rainy week, insyaAllah...
last few days of ramadhan, and Allah is showing His love by giving us rain (':

"....and He sent down water (rain) from the sky and brought forth fruits as a provision for you"

Sunday, August 21, 2011

jom muhasabah diriii!!!!!! (^^)v


jom baca jap. kita renung kan sejenak.

ramadhan semakin laju meninggalkan kita..janji saya untuk diri sendiri,ramadhan kali ini semoga memberi penginsafan pada diri saya.

tidak lagi mahu membiarkan hidup sia-sia tanpa matlamat yg jelas, membiarkan hati hanyut dengan duniawi, kosong x terisi. TT

manisnya tarbiyah sudah semakin dapat dirasakan.yayy!! \(^.^)/

jom kawan2, sebelum ramadhan kali ini berakhir, kita muhasabah diri kita...(':

apa matlamat hidup kita sebenarnya?

jadi, apa yg kita lakukan pada hari ini?

adakah kita benar2 sudah memahami apa hakikat hidup kita?

Ketahuilah sesungguhnya bahawa kehidupan dunia itu hanyalah permainan dan sesuatu yg melalaikan, perhiasan dan bermegah-megahan antara kamu, serta berbangga bangga tentang banyaknya harta dan anak, seperti hujan yg tanam tanamannya mengagumkan para petani, kemudian tanaman itu menjadi kering dan kamu lihat warnanya kuning kemudian menjadi hancur.

dan tahukah kita setiap apa yg dilakukan walau sekecik semut pon, akan mendapat pembalasannya?

adakah kita masih ragu2?

daripada siapa turunnya ayat2 Al-Quran ini?

bukankah Al-Quran itu panduan hidup kita?

tapi mengapa masih ramai antara kita yg tidak cuba memahami Al-Quran?memandang Al-Quran sebelah mata, atau menjadikan ianya hiasan bilik semata-mata?

kadang2 kita terlalu ego, merasakan diri mampu hidup sendiri tanpa panduan hidup.
tidak sayang, sebab itulah turunnya Al-Quran...

cuba check diri masing2...cuba ukur ketenangan hati, fikir sejenak...cukup tenangkah hati kita tanpa panduan hidup yg jelas?

adakah dunia ini matlamat hidup kita?

jadi, masih untuk duniakah matlamat hidup kita?

bukankah kita mengetahui bahawa hidup di dunia ini terlalu singkat?

jadi yg mana satu yg lebih baik? dunia atau akhirat?

maka setelah mengetahuinya, apa yg patut kita lakukan?

'saya mahu masuk syurgaaa!!!' -cita2 besar yg setiap manusia impikan....

tapi, adakah kita layak untuk memasuki Syurga Allah itu?

adakah sekadar menjalani kehidupan seharian, kerja, belajar, makan, minum dan tidur...cukup untuk kita memasuki syurga?

mari kita berfikir sejenak.....


p\s: sentiasalah membaca Al-Quran...fahamilah apa tujuan hidup kita yg sebenar...supaya hati sentiasa merasakan kemanisan iman...jadikanlah ramadhan ini sebagai satu permulaan...yosh!yosh!

jom muhasabah diri!

Friday, August 19, 2011

bercakap mengenai kepanasan....

salam. dah masuk 19 hari berpuasa. cepatnya masa berlalu~ TT

okay. alkisahnya, saya dan rakan2 telah ke tokyo selama seminggu. okay banyak cerita. serius banyak sgt cerita tak taw nak start yg mana satu. insyaAllah akan buat entry2 asing pasal pengisian program yg saya pergi sepanjang minggu lepas.

err, actually nak cakap pasal kepanasan tokyo tu. haaa~ mesti ada yg cakap 'oh, u ni tak bersyukur lah' 'panas sikit pon ngade2 nak kecoh2'...okay tak tak. bukan niat nak mengada pon, tapi nak cakap yg sebetulnya kalau nak banding dengan temperature dekat sendai yg skrg ni 22-25 degree, tokyo tu mmg sgt panas sebab cecah 37degree. yo! 37degree okayy time i sampai haritu!

hari balik, time i lepak kat shinjuku and harajuku,4 helai baju tukar setiap 2 jam kat toilet sbb tak tahan rasa panas baju ni, tukar baju lain pulak, dengan peluh x hingatt -.-'

dan disebabkan berpuasa, dengan kepanasan melampau, mmg dehydrated sgt2. tapi,yg bestnya, semangat bershopping tu still ada!lalu melangkah la nur fatihin ni sorang2 dia p harajuku, syurga fashion yg mmg terkenal kat seluruh dunia.

serius ramai gila orang. memang ada rasa nak pngsan -.-'

and ini adalah benda yg paling menarik perhatian i. toilet kat sini warna pink yg mmg pink gila and then tulis CUTIE, kalau untuk guys die tulis HERO.. s0, korang sapa yg rasa die CUTE OR HERO haa, boleh la masuk toilet kat harajuku ni!

serius pink gila! ^^

tapi i sempat shopping dalam 2 jam lebih ja kat harajuku ni sbb tak tahan dah panas. style serbu kedai yg ada aircond ja semua, then trus shopping la KONONNYA. tapi tangan penuh paper bag yg shopping tu..sigh~#gila shopping budak ni ;D

err, xde niat nak condemn tempat siapa2 ya pasal kepanasan tu, or nak kutuk tempat siapa2 ke...oh tidak tidak. just nak share perasaan saya selaku kanak2 sendai yg turun ke tokyo dan merasa kepanasan yg sgt membahang. yelah, kadang2 manusia ni sensitif, salah faham lah pulak nanti... -.-' ramadhan ni, jomlah bersihkan hati...apa yg org cakap tu, x semestinya ada kaitan dengan kita pon, xpun kalau betul2 terasa dengan apa2, cuba ambil dari sudut yg positif. yeah! POSITIF YA POSITIF..hati tu kena sentiasa bersih...(:

selitan gambar at chiba port. i x naik pon bot tu, tangkap gambar je lebih #mabuk laut ;D


Friday, August 12, 2011

summer break. start!!


YOSHH!!! exam dah habis!!

ehhh salah salah. exam sambung after summer break. still ada 5 paper to go.

okay fine! okay fineeeeeee!!!


lupakan jap. okay lupakan semua yg dah buat, n exam that im 'looking forward' sgt2 tu pon kita buat2 lupa sat.

its time to release all the pressure, and make some point for akhirat pulak . yess. selama start ramadhan ni asyik busy dgn studies ja, s0 lets make some time to seriously make full benefits of time in ramadhan. who knows if we still can meet or not next year (':

s0, im heading to tokyo tonight. ouh, not to tokyo...chiba to be specific. to gather with all the sisters and friends...we're sharing love because of Allah, and it just made me feel so warm to be with them. yes. with them (: usrah or sort of islamic things and everything is just very calm and peace. i mean, yeah it just goes well with the 'fitrah'...

like what my naqibah said, we need food for our physical, and we need education for our mind, s0 what about our heart? what should we feed our heart with?yes,darlings,we need to feed our heart with something like usrah.

and the environment plays the biggest role for influencing people. s0, be friend with all the friends that can help you to make way to the path of Allah...(:

Thursday, August 4, 2011

let's improve our life


last usrah, i learned about this from my lovely naqibah.

setiap orang ada jahiliah masing2...and yg penting adalah semangat untuk berubah tu.....

"sesungguhnya Allah tidak akan mengubah nasib sesuatu kaum sehingga mereka mengubah keadaan yg ada pada mereka sendiri" ar-Rad' : 11

memang sukar nak berubah, mcm yg i post before ni mengenai percakapan dan pandangan orang pada diri kita...sometimes people who close to us can be the barrier, apatah lagi kalau yg x kenal sgt...but the thing is, it is between you and Him...s0, who cares about what others will think kan...

dalam bulan ramadhan ni marilah kita ajar diri kita untuk mula bersangka baik dengan orang lain.... because if someone want to make a change in their life, you don't make silly things about him/her. bcoz its rude. like seriously, if your words can't make benefits to the others, then it is better for you to keep silent. a harsh word is much more sharper than a blade.

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Follow the dress code FIRST< then you can be fashionable (:


i dont know why but saikin(lately) i suka nak post video that i watched from youtube and i found it was very interesting and informative. *padahal diri sendiri x sempat nak tulis update panjang2 so post video la senang -alasan derrr -.-'

okay fine. x kisahlah.

this video is like a reminder for me. okay? okay. okay bye. (:

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

eid mubarak - Ramadhan from japan news


salam ramadhan semua.. its not too late i guess to wish happy eid mubarak to all (':

just want to share a video from youtube. this video was recorded by NHK on october 2005.

its is sooooo last last last yearrr...-.-' but it's okay, just want to share with you guys about
'Ramadhan from Japan news'

May Allah bless us on the occasion of ramadhan..insyaAllah (':