Friday, February 15, 2013

travel post - HOKKAIDO

salam wbt.

well, hye there! here i am, again.. ^^
i was thinking to update about my journey, nop, it's our journey actually. our journey to hokkaido. it has been a long time since my last travel post about my journey to korea.


 do you know where hokkaido is?

hokkaido is located at the north end of japan, is Japan's second largest island.

thank you google for the image, and yeah, that's me, in hokkaido. we traveled from sendai to hokkaido by ferry. or should i say, a cruise. because it looks like a cruise! took about 15hours from sendai port to tomakomai ferry terminal.

we went to three different cities, sapporo, otaru and muroran. there was a snow festival at sapporo. and we actually went there because of that. the festival was awesome! couldn't make it into words.

this is ultraman. yeah, that ultraman that you adore much when you were six. handsome o_O

皆なかよし-lets's get along with each other ^^

pika pika pika pikachu!!!

who's this?!

how do they build something big.....yet cute?!! 
what is the name of the job to create this?
architect? or is this one of the engineers job's prospect?!! 

CUTE! i love everything CUTE! because cute people deserve everything cute. d:
and this is CUTE! haha
"the only things that should be stuck in the snow are ski gear and your own face"  auch! LOL

the temperature at that moment was about 2 degrees below zero celsius. and guess what, we are still alive, back home and now is living happily in sendai. alhamdulillah. XD

pictures below, taken at otaru.





5 days 4 nights in hokkaido.
i can't imagine living in a below degree celsius area during the day. sendai only reach below degree at night. who cares if it reaches minus++ when you're sleeping with hot blanket in a 24degree celsius room temperature. -.-" 

in hokkaido, the snow is everywhere and i was like, how to go to school? -.-'  
even in sendai, i couldn't wake up early in the morning if my heater turn off automatically. my heater, being generous to help me save the electricity la. konon -.- lucky me that my university is in sendai.

well, all the pictures above is a prove then, that people could actually live in a below zero degree celsius area. tabik spring for those malaysians who live in hokkaido. *serius*

well that's all. too lazy to upload more pictures. taking too much of my time. still have lots of things to do like crazy. ahhh. k bye!

Wednesday, February 6, 2013

shawl dan eksperimen

salam wbt.

kan haritu i ada buat satu emo punya post. *emo la sangat* d:

pasal ada la satu poster dakwah kat facebook ni yang cakap "buat apa pakai shawl ni, buang masa, lebih baik pakai tudung labuh, lagi Allah sayang"...haaa lebih kurang gitulah ayatnya.

pastu bila i baca balik apa i tulis, hurm... pikir2 balik, hurmm, mungkin orang yang buat poster tu xpenah jumpa shawl yang sesuai kee, or ada pengalaman buruk pakai shawl ke.. hii~

maybe laaa, maybe la kann...pastu ada lagi satu hipotesis la i dapat, which is, maybe laaa..erm, maybe *banyak betul maybe nya d:*
maybe dekat malaysia kurang shawl yang bersaiz lebar? yg dapat cover properly..?

so, untuk membuktikan hipotesis tersebut, maka i buat la eksperimen.

hipotesis : 
mungkin di malaysia, kurang shawl yang lebar. kalau lebar 50cm ke bawah tu, kecik la jugak sebenarnya. kalau yang okay selalunya 70cm ke atas kot. i cakap kurang shawl yang lebar taw, bukan xdak langsung di malaysia. mungkin susah nak jumpa?.. > btw, ini baru hipotesis. relax everyone d:

tujuan :
membuktikan, benarkah banyak shawl yang i beli kat malaysia itu kecik. hahaha~ okay lawak. ini i punya shawl taw, bukan you all.d:

shawl yang beli kat malaysia, beli kat korea, beli kat japan, ahh, senang kata semua shawl jelah.
koleksi shawl. d:

1)hamparkan shawl, dan bandingkan kelebaran shawl2 tersebut.
2)semua shawl panjangnya dilipat dua, sebab x muat nak masuk gambar nanti. lagipun kita nak bandingkan kelebaran, bukan kepanjangan. sebab, shawl mmg patut panjang! adeh,org x panggil shawl kalau ia x panjang.
standard 180cm panjang.
3)perhatikan segala perbezaan dan amik nota!
4)untuk lebih kepastian, bandingkan jela belambak kali pon ikut sesuka hati. who cares anyway, it's your experiment. *like a boss* XD

experiment 1

shawl leopard beli kat supermarket pacific kat alor star. harga rm15 kot. shawl zebra beli kat h&m, harga dalam rm40
pemerhatian :
shawl leopard sangatlah kecik dibandingkan dengan shawl zebra.

experiment 2

shawl pink beli kat masjid jamek, harga dalam rm10 kot, masjid jamek selalu cam murah ja, x ingatlah. shawl stripe beli kat forever21, harga dalam rm40 jugakk.
pemerhatian :
shawl pink kecikk dari shawl stripe.

experiment 3

shawl grey black tu beli dekat times square, harga rm25. yang bawahh niii, yang kaler pink ni, serious lebar gilaaa lebar dia ja dah 110cm. mmg bestt! boleh lipat2 pusing2, keliling and whatever. harga around rm35, no brand, made in china.
boleh tgok sendiri, sgt obvious besarrr.

-experiment tamat-

3 kali jelah eh buat experiment. penat dah nak amik gambar n keluarkan shawl, nanti kena kemas balik TT

kita jump to conclusion.

so conclusionnya, harga untuk shawl yang lebih lebar lagi mahal dari harga yang kurang lebar. benda yang ceni, mengikut logik akal pon boleh paham kot eh, dah nak kainn besarr, mesti la bayar lebih sikit. macam makan nasik la, kalau nak nasik lebih mesti la kena tambah duit kan. -.-'

pastu, sebenarnya shawl2 yang besar, cantik, kualiti tip top ni, boleh ja dapat kat belambak kedai kat malaysia. forever21 and h&m tu ada ja kat malaysia. tapi xdela cakap, suruh pegi beli pakai shawl yang branded, kalau kat masjid jamek pon ada shawl yang lebar, it's fine, beli la. cuma, kalau yang ada label, ada brand ni, kualiti dia terjaga. and pendapat peribadi la, rm40-rm50 tu affordable la, and standard la kot eh, untuk harga tudung. TUDUNG kot, untuk tutup kepala. selalu orang cakap, buat apa pilih kualiti elok2 sangat untuk tudung, baik simpan duit untuk beli kasut. padahal, function lebih kurang kot. tudung untuk tutup kepala, kasut untuk jaga kaki. bukan suruh beli tudung harga ratus2, tapi at least check la kualiti, jgn nak meng anaktirikan tudung, main cikai2 je beli. *okay, makcik fatihin dah start berleter*

pastu, haaa, actually nya kalau shawl yg 50cm tu pon, bukannya kata xleh cover properly, kalau kena gaya, boleh ja tutup segala benda yg perlu ditutup.
cuma lagi besarr shawl tersebut, lagi secure la kann.

ouh pastu, shawl uniqlo best jugak! lebar dia dalam 70cm. 70 cm okay, mmg best, kain dia pon best, cuma uniqlo, harga mahal sikit kot compare dgn yg atas2 ni.

pastu, eh apa lagi conclusion patut buat?. erm haaa, pasal hipotesis tu. "mungkin di malaysia, kurang shawl yang lebar. " hipotesis ni salah la. ada banyak jaa kedai2, kalau yg ada brand tu la kat malaysia. kalau yg kat masjid jamek tu, pon erm, kena pandai la cari kan. i x pandai cari, haha, sebab i dok kedah, jarang nak p masjid jamek nih, selalu pegi sana beli keropok lekor. sedap keropok lekor situ. ada makcik and abang2 ni jual dekat laluan kecik2 tu, sekali dgn goreng pisang.

pastu kalau nak yang besar, kat malaysiaaa selalu nihh, pashmina. pashmina mmg besar kan, tapi i mmg x suka pakai shawl pashmina, sebab kain dia tebal sangat. and dia bukan cotton, ia org panggil arcrylic kot. ahaha. x tahu, tapi bukan cotton yang cotton tu. kalau i pakai ja nanti peluh2 kat leher. kalau time winter xpelah. tulah, lain orang lain taste. ada orang sukaa, kain pashmina tu, i x sukaa. so, pilihan masing2.

andd, yeah lepas pada semua emo post and eksperimen ni, i ada terfikir idea nak jual shawl. yeahhh!!tapi xdela nak jual yang ada brand tuu, yang tuh you all pegi beli sendirik. haha~ i nak juall yang beli kat kedai2 biasaa, no brand la maksudnya, tapi besarr and lebarr, and of course kualiti yang sgt tip top!! okayh? XD

so, this is going to be my spring break project, inshaAllah nantikannn!! semoga ada keberkatanNya.

"Dan katakanlah pada para perempuan yang beriman, agar mereka menjaga pandangannya, memelihara maruahnya, dan janganlah menampakkan auratnya. Dan hendaklah mereka menutup kain kerudung ke dada nya, dan janganlah menampakkan auratnya(kepada bukan mahram)....." 24:31

p/s : nanti kalau dah beli shawl besar2, jangan g campak pulak yg kecik2 tu. shawl yang kecik2 tu, xpe2, xyah buang, ambik je lilit2 kat muka ke time winter. ehh, kalau kat malaysiaa, boleh je ambik buat lapik meja ke, letak atas kepala lepas dah pakai tudung yang proper tu untuk feeling2 princess ke, bagi budak2 kecik comell pakai ke. x kisahlah. be creative okay! tapi, jangan nak membazir. ^^v

btw, esok pagi last examm.. alhamdulillah, semoga Allah memberkati usaha2 kita semua (':

Tuesday, February 5, 2013

daddy's little girl (:

salam wbt.

happy tuesday! today i don't have any exam. but still have two papers to face though! yosshaa! and i feel like writing.

daddy's little girl. haha. you know, when i was skyping with my parents last sunday, i told mama about my bff's plans about getting married this april inshaAllah. (mama knows that she's engaged though). and that's actually the 'mukadimah'(introduction) to start a conversation about marriage at an early age. d:

and me and mama were talking about, yah you know, the normal conversation between mom and's her fiancee looks like, what he do, where he study, how they met and everything. and mama said she will always pray for my friend's happiness (':

the conversation is getting serious, when abah suddenly interrupt..i knew he was listening all the time. yes, he was!. he always like dat, acting like he didn't care about what me and mama is talking about, but in fact he did. haha. XD

"so, fatin xdak kawan dgn sapa2 lagi ka?"(so, what about you?, dont you have any boyfriend?)  jeng3.  

being asked with this kind of question very frequent, so i'm pretty confident to answer it though, and i have prepare sort of scheme on how to answer/deal with that kind of question. of course you have to be prepared! when you're 20++ and you have no boyfriend, and have no sign of interest to anybody, when you go home where you met all your cousins(especially the one with same age as you and already married!), aunties and uncles will look at you with curious face and asked something like this,

"haaa, kamu tu bila lagi?"(when is your turn?), "bila nak kenalkan dekat pakcik?"(when are you goin to introduce him to me?), "tuh dekat facebook tu sapa? boyfriend?"(who's that in the facebook? your boyfriend?) bla bla...

you will be shocked to know how many stalkers are there in my big families. well, welcome to the world of internet where everyone can be a stalker. d:

and if i made that 'muka blur + malas nak layan' face, the question will be proceeded to mama,
 "tuhh, dia dok ada kawan dengan sapa2 ka dak?"
 (she has any boyfriend or not?) pulak -_-"

but, it's not that i'm getting annoyed or what.  in fact, it's fun. it makes me realize that there are sooo many people who cares about me. (:

so when abah asked me that question, i was like ' this is the time fin! go and ask! ask ask!ask him', i shout to myself d:

well, what do you think i wanted to ask....?

haha. i know you guys can't wait for me to finish my sentence. asking to get married? haha. no no, sorry to disappoint you. d:

i just want to ask abah's opinion about getting married at an early age, but i couldn't make it into words. so, i returned abah's question, with question.

"kalau fatin nak kawin jugak, okay? nak kawin time belajar ni. abah okay?mama okay?"
 (what if, i want to get married too? in the near future? are you both cool with that?)

mama was first to response,
"mama okay, mama x kisah kalau dah jodoh anak2 mama dah sampai, mama terima ja macam mana pon" (': (i'm cool with it)

and abah like always, trying to act cool and calm but this time, he failed. ahaha. and he kept silent for a while before answered with this,
"belajarlah dulu...belajar, pastu kerja dulu.." (learn/study first..., and then work..)

and the simple answer from abah really touched my heart. hurm you know.... i know he gave me that answer because he was shocked and does not expect that question will come from my mouth, maybe.

being the youngest girl(i have two younger brothers) in the family, i was pampered with lotssss of love. and i know that my abah is not ready to hear any serious matter from me yet.
of course la, i am not confident with my own self too. you know when i fall sick last spring break, and was admitted to the hospital, i lost appetite for few days and refuse to eat anything except KFC zinger burger MENGADA NGADA, abah came immediately after his meeting and brought along with him, my zinger burger. (':

so, what i was trying to tell is, i'm not mature yet. and abah knows that. haha. how can you say you are mature enough to get married when you are still crying for zinger burger when you fall sick? d: *sedar diri* and there's much more stories about me being immature, and of course mama and abah know me well. i am still mummy and daddy's little girl XD

so, the answer from abah, "belajar..belajar", really gave a deep meaning for me. to learn. learning is a process, process for anything. not only about that 'study' to pass the exams. to become an adult is also a process of learning. and as for me, what makes an adult, an adult is when they get married. because to accept someone, fully accept someone in your life, and entering your whole journey of life with that 'someone' is seriously a big matter. and a big matter only can be done by an adult. yang x kawin sampai tua tu, itu lain cerita. i mean, for me, what makes a line between a teenager and an adult is the marriage. do you get what i mean? -_- aiyoo, for example, my cousin, same age as me, is an adult, because she's already married. but me? im still a teenager, because i'm not married yet XD
That's one of my childish thought. but who cares anyway, i will still think that way.

early marriage has become a trend in malaysia. it's good tho to reduce social problems, and yeah, as we all know islam encourages early marriage. but, the definition of 'early' itself is actually varies, maybe according to country? i don't know. in japan they said that it's too early to get married at the age of 28, but heyyyy you know how malaysians views about this right? a 30++ malaysian woman's parents will start to panic and sweating all over if their daughter is not married yet. hiperbola. d:
but, uhh again, i don't care about the definition of early. i just care about the marriage that is consider as early. that's all.

well, as for me early marriage have good and bad sides. well everything have good and bad sides tho. it depends on how people view it. if you think early marriage are good for you, then get married, if not, wait until you get a good view about it. the question is, how to know whether you are ready or not to get married? simply ask your parents about it. just like what i did. d:

so erm, if you are having the early marriage fever, have confidence with your own self, capable to become husband/wife, then just proceed with your intention..inshaAllah, He will help you...
may Allah bless the good intention of you (:
and also, barakillah to my dear bestfriend, the first to get married among seven of us.

well then, that's all. just a small thought of me about the early marriage. the title of this post seems not right btw. i talk about marriage a lot than the daddy's little girl thing. haha. that's the trick guys. if you are shy to talk about marriage but still want to talk about it, DON'T PUT THE WORD MARRIAGE AS THE TITLE d:

ah btw, that question, i just want to know my parents' opinions, not that i'm getting married in the near future. don't get me wrong. sat lagi dok dapat ucapan tahniah pulak. -_-"

back to study. please pray for us! good day everyone!

letak gambar ni lah supaya kena dengan title d: