Friday, February 15, 2013

travel post - HOKKAIDO

salam wbt.

well, hye there! here i am, again.. ^^
i was thinking to update about my journey, nop, it's our journey actually. our journey to hokkaido. it has been a long time since my last travel post about my journey to korea.


 do you know where hokkaido is?

hokkaido is located at the north end of japan, is Japan's second largest island.

thank you google for the image, and yeah, that's me, in hokkaido. we traveled from sendai to hokkaido by ferry. or should i say, a cruise. because it looks like a cruise! took about 15hours from sendai port to tomakomai ferry terminal.

we went to three different cities, sapporo, otaru and muroran. there was a snow festival at sapporo. and we actually went there because of that. the festival was awesome! couldn't make it into words.

this is ultraman. yeah, that ultraman that you adore much when you were six. handsome o_O

皆なかよし-lets's get along with each other ^^

pika pika pika pikachu!!!

who's this?!

how do they build something big.....yet cute?!! 
what is the name of the job to create this?
architect? or is this one of the engineers job's prospect?!! 

CUTE! i love everything CUTE! because cute people deserve everything cute. d:
and this is CUTE! haha
"the only things that should be stuck in the snow are ski gear and your own face"  auch! LOL

the temperature at that moment was about 2 degrees below zero celsius. and guess what, we are still alive, back home and now is living happily in sendai. alhamdulillah. XD

pictures below, taken at otaru.





5 days 4 nights in hokkaido.
i can't imagine living in a below degree celsius area during the day. sendai only reach below degree at night. who cares if it reaches minus++ when you're sleeping with hot blanket in a 24degree celsius room temperature. -.-" 

in hokkaido, the snow is everywhere and i was like, how to go to school? -.-'  
even in sendai, i couldn't wake up early in the morning if my heater turn off automatically. my heater, being generous to help me save the electricity la. konon -.- lucky me that my university is in sendai.

well, all the pictures above is a prove then, that people could actually live in a below zero degree celsius area. tabik spring for those malaysians who live in hokkaido. *serius*

well that's all. too lazy to upload more pictures. taking too much of my time. still have lots of things to do like crazy. ahhh. k bye!

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