being alone without nothing-to-do, i mean beside doing chores, stalking, blogging, snapping pictures, chatting, gossiping, shopping, eating, n sleeping... bring me to a new side of myself.
the kiddy side of nur fatihin!!
i was "google 'ing" for cute animation n icons, when suddenly this
yellow,big, buncit appeared on my screen.

damn little cutie cutie mr pooh. why r u sooo cute?
*jealous gila ]:
muka pooh ni mcm budak nakal bru lepas buli org pastu wat muka innocent, sambil buat mulut bulat -_-"
pooh buncit? who cares anyway...i love you the way you are..haha~ cam couple lak. -.-'
since saya jeles gila dgn kecomelan dia,lalu hati yg terlalu suci dan murni ini terasa ingin menumpang kecomelan incik pooh
*sgt keji ..s0, i decided to be 'incik pooh' :D
the first thing to do is to put it as my profile picture in facebook.

cute gila, s0 '
status' pun kena cute la! lalalalallala~
lepas ni kalau dah bosan jadi incik pooh, nak jadi penguin ke, dinosaur pulak...hihi~
k bye!nak lari lelaju g minum ice lemon tea! =_="