ber feeling malam2. well, tadi browse kat fb and dapat tahu news about my ex-school mate, SAME AGE(kena capslock untuk penegasan), is married.
rasa nak melompat keliling rumah, okay x boleh. rumah i apartment,kalau nak round satu rumah jauh sgt nanti.-.-'
okay fine. its normal isn't it? at the age of 20.
okay suddenly ada satu perasaan takot n ahhh, feeling old.
we're already 20! baru teringat -.-'
you made me realize how old i am now. T_T
ari tu pon mama ada cakap pasal kakak i pasal nak kenalkan dengan sape tah time wedding sape tah.okay, ape2 tah, i tak taw apa2.
okay, again pasal marriage.
eh, apesal word marriage merata-rata nii?
dahla. malas ckp. sigh~

terasa lonely n takot pulak kalau kakak or besties get married. entah ,entah napa,jgn tanya kenapa sbb i tak taw. i hate this immature, not realistic feelings.
hello girlfriends, jgn la kawin awal sgt. kalau dah nak kawin pon, promise jgn lupa i okayy (':
btw, congratulations girlfren yg dah kawin tu..may you guys happy ever after.insyaAllah..(:
Congratulations to her. Pray for her happiness in marriage, dipermudahkan segala urusan.
Awak bila lagi? :P
well.. kat group batch aku pon smlm ade post pasal die nak kawan x lame lg..
mybe da jd trend kot skang.. kite jek y pelik x kawin lg kot.. haha..
i used to feel lonely too bila my besties and sisters kawin, but life goes on...insyaAllah ur time will come too... enjoy zaman solo ni puas2
okay siss...saya enjoyyy!! ^_^
menarik jugak tu kahwin awl.
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