if someone wants to be in your life, they will be. Very simple to understand...
if they aren't there, they don't want to be.

We just have to accept the fact that some people are going to stay in our hearts...
even if they don’t stay in our lives. (':
Cute gambar kucing tu.
tomeynya meow tu, suddenly teringat post about u n sis tu, ee dah ada pakwe eh, kalau takde takpe, one day ur prince will come hehe (sila bygkan akak nyanyi mcm dalam katun disney Cinderella tu ok...) haha pengsan!
i want to be in your life. haa.sweet x?;)
tuan blog ni lagi cute.ahaha ;D
kak hanis, xde lagi lahh...hihihi ;D
btol jgak kata cik atien ni
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